Contact Us

We are always here to listen and assist you. Please contact us at Celebritys Store for the best support regarding our handmade wooden toys. Here is our contact information:

Email Support: [email protected]

Address: Rzemieślnicza 2, 14-500 Braniewo, Poland

Business Hours: Mon – Sat: 9AM-5PM EST

If you have any questions, requests, or suggestions, feel free to email us or visit our physical address. Our support team will promptly respond and help you with any issues.

We assure you that customer satisfaction is our top priority. We strive to provide you with a convenient and seamless online shopping experience. Rest assured that all your personal information will be kept strictly confidential and used only for the purpose of contacting and assisting you.

We sincerely appreciate your interest and support for Celebritys Store. We hope to offer you an enjoyable shopping experience and unique toys for children. Contact us today, and we will be here to assist you.